пятница, 29 января 2021 г.


Apple Crisp

The only Apple Crisp Recipe you’ll ever need – Tender apples topped with an easy brown sugar topping.

Apple Crisp with oat topping on a white plate.

If you asked me to pick my favorite fall dessert, I would say this Apple Crisp recipe. Because it’s classic. Because it’s cozy. And because the combo of warm fruit crisp and cold vanilla ice cream gets me every single time.

If you’ve made my Apple Cranberry Crisp, Strawberry Crisp, Peach Crisp, Blueberry Crisp or my Apple-Pear Crisp, you will notice that this recipe is very similar.

Apple Crisp in a white baking dish with apples in the background.

Recipe overview: Apple Crisp

Apples: Thinly sliced apples are tossed with apple cider, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. A couple tablespoons of flour thicken the apple mixture, and then they get placed in a greased baking dish.

Crisp Topping: Oats, brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt, and melted butter. This here is my favorite fruit crisp topping. Stir it up and crumble it over the top of the apples. The oats add heartiness, the brown sugar adds a depth of sweetness, and the melted butter ensures that every bite has a crisp buttery texture.

Apple crisp topping in a white bowl.

Baking: I like to start baking this Apple Crisp covered with foil. This allows the apples to begin to soften without any risk of the topping over-browning. After about 20 minutes, remove the foil and let the crisp finish cooking uncovered. Uncovering the apple crisp is what is going to make our topping crisp up. Once the juices are bubbling, the topping is golden brown, and the apples are tender, it is done!

What type of apples to use?

Use your favorite baking apples. Honeycrisp, Pink Lady and Fuji are my favorite for this recipe. If you prefer a less sweet apple crisp, you can use Granny Smith apples.

Make sure you slice the apples really thin (1/4 inch or thinner). This way they bake evenly and tender every time.

Apple crisp topped with ice cream and caramel sauce.

How to serve:

In my opinion, an Apple Crisp should be served warm, but not hot. It should be warm enough to slowly melt that big scoop of vanilla ice cream that I am undoubtedly placing on top.

Optional: A drizzle of caramel sauce over the top. Or you can even just spoon some of those sweet apple-cinnamon juices from the bottom of the baking dish over the top of your crisp.

Have leftovers? Place them in the refrigerator. You can eat the leftovers cold, straight from the fridge (breakfast of champions), or you can reheat it in the microwave to warm it up again.

Dig in, friends! Happy Apple Season!

четверг, 28 января 2021 г.


Angel Pecan Pie

This chilled crustless pie is made with crushed buttery crackers, chopped pecans and beaten egg whites. After baking, it’s crowned with whipped cream.

пятница, 22 января 2021 г.




Quick and Easy Angel Food cake recipes! Brilliant ideas and so EASY!!!

PLEASE REMEMBER EVERYONE! Say something when you like one of my posts, it helps you KEEP seeing them! ☆ ♡

Angel Food Cake Recipes


Just two ingredients!! 1 large can crushed pineapple w/juice and 1 box angel food cake mix. Blend in large bowl and bake 350 for 30 min. in 9x13 ungreased pan. Oh so easy!

Cherry Angel Cake:

~ 1 box angel food cake mix and 1 can light cherry pie filling … mix both ingredients together and place in a greased 9x13 pan and bake at 350’ for about 20-25 minutes.

Cinnamon Apple Cake:

2-ingredient Cinnamon Apple Cake: 1 Can Of Apple Pie Filling And 1 Box Of Angel Food Cake (dry Mix Only). Combine Both Ingredients In A Bowl. Transfer To Greased 9x13 Pan And Bake At 350 Deg. For 20 Minutes Or Until Top Browns.

Blueberry Angel Food Cake:

1 Box Angel food Cake Mx 1 Can Blueberry Pie Filling (approx 22 oz can) Mix both ingredients together and spread in 13 x 9 baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 28-30 minutes. Let stand for about an hour and top with whipped cream!

Lemon Bars.

1 box angel food cake mix 1 can lemon pie filling. Mix dry cake mix and cans of pie filling together in large bowl (I just mixed it by hand) Pour into greased baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until top is starting to brown.

3-2-1 cake!

Mix 1 box of Angel Food cake mix with one box of cake mix. To make, use 3 tablespoons of cake mix, 2 T water, cook for 1 minute in microwave.

★ℒℴѵℯ★ℒℴѵℯ★ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ★ℒℴѵℯ★

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среда, 20 января 2021 г.


Amarettini Mousse mit Rum Espresso Karamell

Meine wolkig leichte Amarettini Mousse mit Rum Espresso Karamell Sauce ist eines meiner Lieblings Desserts für festliche Anlässe wie Weihnachten oder Silvester!

Amarettini Mousse mit Rum Espresso Karamell Sauce serviert

Diese fluffige Amarettini Mousse mit Rum-Espresso-Karamellsauce ist jede Kalorie wert!

Die Hitze lässt nach, der Bikini ist ausgebleicht und wir haben uns gefühlte 3 Monate nur von Eiscafe und Salat ernährt. Oh Mann, war das ein Sommer.

Ich hoffe ihr habt ihn besser genutzt als ich, die ich meinen August mit Staatsexamens-Prüfungen verbringen durfte und auch vorher mehr in der Bib als im Freibad gelebt habe.

Naja, das dicke, fette Ende eines eigentlich recht entspannten Studiums.

Jetzt ist es vorbei. Nach 11 Hochschul- und 2 Urlaubssemestern, 2 Uni-Abschlüssen, 4 Umzügen und endlosen Flaschen Billig-Rotweins beende ich mein Studentenleben. Traurig bin ich eigentlich nicht! Es wird Zeit für was Neues!

Und wisst ihr wofür es noch Zeit wird? Für die ersten End of Summer alias „Nicht-Bikini“ – Rezepte!

Ohja Kinders, wir holen wieder die Sahne raus!

Ob fürs Weihnachts-Menü oder die Silvester Party – diese Mousse mit Amaretto Likör und weißer Schokolade wird eure Gäste begeistern!

Heute habe ich als Auftakt gleich ein absolut göttliches Dessert für euch, das farblich, wie auch aromatisch ganz vorzüglich zu einem herbstlichen oder winterlichen Dinner passt!

Eine wunderbar cremige Mousse aus weißer Schokolade, Amaretto Likör und italienischen Amarettini Keksen.

Zur Krönung dieser Dessert-Wolke servieren wir unsere Amarettini Mousse mit einer großzügigen Portion Rum Espresso Karamell.

Schreit das nicht lauthals: „Ich bin fluffig, locker leicht und zerfließe nur so im Mund?!“

In der Tat! Diese italienische Schoko Amarettini Mousse ist genau wie sie sein sollte: stichfest und gut zu stürzen und mit all diesen kleinen Luftbläschen, die auf eine herrlich lockere Textur hinweisen.

Amaretto Mousse mit Espresso Karamell
Amaretto Mousse mit Espresso Karamell

Warum diese Mousse so einzigartig lecker ist:

Eine Mousse aus weißer Schokolade mit feinem mandeligen Amaretto-Aroma mit knusprigen Amarettini Keksstücken – und dann auch noch durchzogen von kleinen Schokoladen-Stückchen. Also da muss ich doch eigentlich gar nicht mehr viel sagen!

Außer vielleicht, dass ich beim nächsten Mal lieber die doppelte Menge Amaretto Mousse mache. Und dass ich wohl dieser Tage ein groooßes Glas von dieser Espresso Karamellsauce machen sollte. Als Topping auf Eis, Pfannkuchen, Latte und ..hm…einfach alles ???

Amarettini Mousse mit Rum Espresso Karamellsauce serviert

Seht ihr die Schokostückchen und die kleinen Keks-Brösel in der Amarettini Mousse ??????

Ohja! All das in nur einem Löffelchen! Dazu ein kleiner Espresso, vielleicht? Weil es doch gerade so gemütlich ist! So kann der Herbst kommen, nicht wahr?

Für mehr Weihnachtsdesserts, schaut unbedingt bei meiner Veganen Schokomousse, der berühmten Eierlikörmousse oder meiner Lebkuchen Roulade mit Mandarinen Curd vorbei.

Meine Produkttipps:

Disclaimer: Dieser Artikel enthält Werbelinks zu amazon.de. Beim Kauf eines Produktes erhalte ich eine Kommission im Centbereich, die mir dabei hilft meine laufenden Blogkosten zu decken. Für euch kommen dadurch keine Zusatzkosten zustande.

★ Habt ihr mein Rezept für Amarettini Mousse nachgemacht? Hinterlasst mir gerne einen Kommentar mit Bewertung oder postet ein Bild und taggt mich auf Instagram!

Amarettini Mousse mit Rum Karamell Sauce

Amarettini Mousse mit Rum Espresso Karamell

Meine wolkig leichte Amarettini Mousse mit Rum Espresso Karamell Sauce ist eines meiner Lieblings Desserts für festliche Anlässe wie Weihnachten oder Silvester!



  1. Die Kuvertüre im heißen Wasserbad schmelzen und die Gelatine in etwas kaltem Wasser einweichen. Die Eigelbe mit Vanillezucker und 2 EL warmem Wasser verrühren, über dem heißen Wasserbad schaumig aufschlagen. Gelatine ausdrücken, in der warmen Creme auflösen.
  2. Die geschmolzene weiße Kuvertüre esslöffelweise unter die Eigelbmasse ziehen. Creme kalt stellen, bis sie anfängt zu gelieren. Die Amaretti Kekse grob zerkleinern und 2 El des Amarettos darüber träufeln. Die Sahne steif schlagen,

  3. Den restlichen Amaretto untermischen. Amaretti, Schokoraspeln und Sahne unter die Eigelbmasse heben. Die Mousse auf 4 Förmchen verteilen und mindestens 3 Std. in den Kühlschrank stellen.
  4. Für das Rum Espresso Karamell den Zucker mit dem Espresso in einem Topf goldbraun karamellisieren. Dabei nur ganz am Anfang rühren, um Zucker und Espresso etwas zu mischen.
  5. Dann nur noch schwenken! Tipp: Um zu verhindern, dass sich am Topf-Rand Zuckerkristalle bilden, taucht ihr einfach einen Küchen-Pinsel in Wasser und streicht damit an den Seiten des Topfes entlang.
  6. Sahne und eine Prise Salz zugeben und 5-6 Minuten köcheln lassen bis eine schön dickliche Karamellsauce entsteht. Zuletzt den Rum unterrühren.

Tipp fürs Rum Karamell: Um zu verhindern, dass sich am Topf-Rand Zuckerkristalle bilden, taucht ihr einfach einen Küchen-Pinsel in Wasser und streicht damit an den Seiten des Topfes entlang.


Almond Cranberry Cake

A soft and fluffy almond-flavored cake filled with fresh cranberries and topped with a buttery almond streusel. A delicious and comforting breakfast or dessert for the holiday season.

Almond Cranberry Cake

You are looking at the reason I am currently stockpiling cranberries. You are also looking at the BEST thing to come out of my kitchen in weeks (months?).

A fluffy almond cake studded with fresh cranberries, topped with an almond streusel and drizzled with almond icing – like, I can barely write that without licking my computer screen. Gah! This is the cake for almond lovers! Pssst…If you love almond, you’ll go crazy for these Almond Croissants and Almond Cake, too.

Almond Cranberry Cake

Can this be breakfast? YES!

Can this be dessert? YES!

Should you make this and then invite me over to share it with you? Also, YES!

I am writing this post on a sugar high, nibbling bits of sugared almonds off the plate in front of me. I have consumed so many pieces of cake that I’m embarrassed to put the actual number on this page. Cake makes me happy, and I’m working on living my best holiday-life. ‘Tis the season!

Almond Cranberry Cake

Almond Cranberry Cake

  • This cake starts with a soft and fluffy sour cream cake. The cake batter is flavored with vanilla and plenty of almond extract. The sour cream keeps it fluffy and moist, and keeps it from being too sweet.
  • The cake batter is filled with beautiful fresh cranberries. 1 1/2 cups of cranberries add a pop of color and distinct tart flavor.
  • The cake batter gets topped with a sweet and buttery almond crumble made from sliced almonds, butter, sugar, and flour.
  • After baking, drizzle the cake with almond icing … and enjoy a big slice while it’s still warm.

This cake can be served for breakfast alongside a cup of coffee or tea. It can also be dessert, topped with a dollop of freshly whipped cream.

Almond Cranberry Cake

Can You Freeze Cranberry Cake?

You sure can, friends. I tightly wrapped leftover slices of this cake and they freeze beautifully. Bonus: You can freeze slices and thaw them everytime you need a sweet treat (read: every single day, if you’re me).

The combination of cranberry and almond is basically a match made heaven. I mean, after trying this I am basically giving the cranberry-orange combo the boot. CRANBERRY-ALMOND is where it’s at!

Almond Cranberry Cake


Almond Cranberry Cake

Almond Cranberry Cake

понедельник, 18 января 2021 г.


All About Blackberries

One of our favorite summer fruits is the blackberry. Popular because of it’s great flavor and they are relatively easy to grow. Did you know blackberries are rich in bioflavonoids and Vitamin C?, They are also very low sodium count and have only 62 calories to a cup. Blackberries have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits.

But wait, it gets better. Eating blackberries can help to promote the healthy tightening of tissue,which is a great non-surgical procedure to make skin look younger. Prolonged consumption also helps keeps your brain alert, promoting clarity of thought and good memory. What? Now I find this out.

We found this great video on growing blackberries that we thought you would enjoy. Further down the page are some of our favorite blackberry recipes.

On hot summer days what is better than fresh fruit and ice cream. We found this great recipe for easy ice cream from the view from great island.


Here is a link to their recipe.

If you are looking for a delicious way to use your blackberries here is a blackberry pie from Eva in the Kitchen.


Here is the recipe.

How about vanilla cupcakes with lemon curd filling and blackberry buttercream frosting? This we found at Cake “n” Knife.com.


Here is the recipe.

How about these Blackberry Pie Bars by Kathleen of Gonna Want Seconds.com

Here is the recipe.

If you prefer to drink your fruit you really should try this Blackberry Mojito from the Healthy Maven.

Here is the recipe.

How about this Blackberry Dumpling Dessert Recipe from Ten June Blog.com

Here is the recipe.

We found this great looking Whipped Blackberry Honey Butter from Turning Clock Back.com

Here is the recipe.

Then there’s this excellent drink with blackberries. This comes to us from Taste of Home . com

Here is the recipe.

This is a good looking drink! How about a Blackberry Tequila Bramble? This is from Fit Sugar.com

Here is the recipe.

Do you have a favorite blackberry recipe? Send us a comment. We would love to hear from you.


Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Dessert Bites

Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Dessert Bites are an easy and quick treat, suitable for Elvis. Serve with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream.

Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Dessert Bites

Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Dessert Bites
Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Dessert Bites Image

These Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Dessert Bites are like little packages of sweet and creamy pillows, in a crackling shell. They are easy to make and cook up quickly. If you have unexpected company, prepare some tea and sit down to a cup of tea and a treat or two, or three….

The World is your oyster.

Berries, apples, peaches, all will go well in this recipe, so if you are out of Bananas, no worries.

Try White Chocolate Chips, Raspberries and Peanut Butter. OMG, that is a delicious combination.

Chunky Peanut Butter would be great in this recipe too.

You can always buy fresh Peanuts and make your own Peanut Butter in the VitaMix Blender.

It only takes a few minutes and you have the most delicious Homemade Peanut Butter.

Sometimes I add a touch of honey and sometimes I add raisins and cinnamon.

If you are slow like me, add some lemon to water and pour over the Bananas, so they won’t brown.

Same thing with Apples.

Apples brown faster than Bananas.

Brushing a little water or Egg White around the Won Ton Wrapper, will keep the Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Bites nicely sealed and prevent leakage.

Squish opposite sides together and squeeze to stick.

Bring up the other two sides, to make a nice little package.

Make sure the Bites are completely sealed.

You don’t want anything to leak out and burn and make a mess.

Another yummy Banana recipe to try are my Air Fryer Cuban Platanos.

Top left is Banana, Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chips.

Top right is Banana, Peanut Butter and Raisins.

Bottom left is Banana, Peanut Butter, Raisins and Cinnamon.

Bottom left is Banana, Peanut Butter, Raisins, Chocolate Chips and Cinnamon.

The flavor options are endless.

Try a piece of Caramel and a piece of Apple for Halloween!

Add some Craisins and call it a Christmas Dessert!

Check out my How to Season Air Fryer Basket post, so that the won ton wrappers won’t stick to the Air Fryer Basket. Use an Oil Spritzer and Spray each Bite generously.

Sprinkle with Air Fryer Peanut Butter Bites with Powdered Sugar and/or Cinnamon Sugar. Serve with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream, if you like. It’s an easy dessert, that will impress your company…and your kids!

For another delicious dessert, try my Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding.

Kitchen Equipment and Essentials

Caring is sharing! If you would like to support This Old Gal, please share this recipe on Social Media, so that I can continue to bring you more wonderful recipes!

Here is the handy printable recipe:

PIN this Air Fryer Peanut Butter Banana Dessert Bites recipe!

воскресенье, 17 января 2021 г.


Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls

Air fryer cinnamon rolls

If you are looking for a quick treat to prepare for breakfast or to serve to guests with coffee, cinnamon rolls are always a popular choice. They are delicious, easy, and always a favorite among guests and family members. They make the perfect quick breakfast on holidays and weekends or for any occasion at all. The best news? Your air fryer can make this quick dish even quicker! So we are pleased to tell you how to make air fryer cinnamon rolls!

Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls: A Faster Alternative

Everyone has their favorite brand. Ours is Pillsbury. Yes, we pop the can open like every other busy American with better things to do than whip up a batch from scratch. We’re here to make your life easier. With an 11-13 minute cook time, plus the 15 minutes it takes to pre-heat an oven, you’ll spend almost 30 minutes baking cinnamon rolls in a conventional oven.

However, because there is no preheat time, the air fryer can get the job done much quicker.

Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls: Cooking Time and Temperature

Depending on the capacity and brand of your air fryer, you may need to adjust the temperature and times accordingly. A general rule of thumb with air fryers, especially when it comes to “baking”, is to set a lower temperature and reduce the time.

For my FrenchMay air fryer, I find that it takes around 15 minutes at 340°F | 171°C, flipping once. However, my Chefman is a little different. I bake the cinnamon rolls at 360°F | 183°C for 12 minutes, flipping halfway. So if it’s the first time you’ve tried cinnamon rolls in the air fryer, be sure to check them often and make needed adjustments.

For other breakfast ideas try one of these breakfast favorites:


Tools and ingredients for this recipe:

These are great for breakfast or as a dessert. See our other recipes for air fryer breakfast and dessert ideas.


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