среда, 24 февраля 2021 г.


Berry Clafoutis

Berry Clafoutis, Honest Fare by Gabrielle Arnold

I give you clafoutis. Often spelled clafouti (CLA-FOO-TEE) in the U.S. Clafoutis is a French rustic style dessert that I’ve recently fallen for. It’s somewhere between a cake, a custard and a pancake, 100 percent delicious and ridiculously easy to make.

Jason was sweet enough to point out that “clafoutis” sounds like some kind of vaginal irregularity. And it undeniably does. Actually, I think his exact words were, “you know, like something girls get when they hang out in a wet bathing suit too long.”

Wonderful. Thank you.

Now try to focus on the pretty picture instead…


Traditionally, clafoutis is made with whole cherries, but it’s also great with berries…especially when cherries aren’t in season. I hear people do it with pears, figs, almonds and all kinds of inventive combinations.

Clafoutis was my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner in the dessert category this year. And I must say, when faced with cardiac catatrosphies like chocolate cheesecake, bread pudding and fudge, a light three-berry clafouti is definitely something to be thankful for.

So as I was saying before, this thing is EASY. You basically just blend up the ingredients for the batter, pour it over the fruit and bake for about 45.


I was so psyched about this that I ended up making it again last night to bring to a friend’s house for dinner. This time I used cherries (frozen ones…and I was scared it would suck and everyone would know I was a fraud who serves people simple ass desserts made using frozen fruit…BUT nobody noticed, there were no leftovers and Jason said he liked it even better than the one with the real berries).


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Serves 6–8, Recipe adapted from Julia Child. Clafoutis is delicious with many different fruits as well. Try with peaches, plums or cherries.

You need:

  • 1 ¼ cups milk
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • ½ cup flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla
  • ¼ teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 cups cherries, pitted or any berries
  • Small carton whipping cream (optional) and ¼ cup sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 350°
  2. In a blender blend the milk, 1/3 cup of the sugar, eggs, vanilla, salt, lemon zest, cinnamon and flour.
  3. Pour a ¼ inch layer of the batter in a lightly and evenly buttered fireproof baking dish. Place in the oven until batter firms up a bit (a film will set in the pan). Remove from the heat and place the berries/cherries over the batter. Sprinkle on the remaining sugar. Pour on the rest of the batter evenly.
  4. Bake at 350° for about 45 minutes to an hour. The clafouti is done when puffed and brown and a knife plunged in the center comes out clean. Great served warm or room temperature. Refrigerate leftovers.
  5. Fresh whipped cream is optional, but highly recommended! Pour small 4oz carton of whipping cream in blender with about ¼ cup sugar. Blend until fluffy.

You should definitely enjoy it with freshly made whipped cream!

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