четверг, 25 марта 2021 г.


Campfire Cones

I love camping? I love planning our menu and cooking while on a camping trip. S?mores are the proverbial camping dessert- and I enjoy them but they can be really, really, really messy. I know, that is part of the fun! But sometimes the combination of marshmallow goo, sand, leaves, and the great outdoors is just a little too much for me. I thought up this yummy treat as an alternate option for our family in hopes that it will help cut back on some of the mess.

You have two choices for when to make these- you can assemble everything, wrap the whole thing in foil, and then just pull it out and place it on the campfire when you are ready to go. Or- you can bring the ?fillings? and let everyone assemble the cones as they choose there by your campfire and then wrap and cook.

For each camper you will need:

1 ice cream cone (I prefer sugar cones)

1 piece of foil- big enough to wrap the cone

And an assortment of the fillings of your choice. They can include but are not limited to:

Chocolate chips

Butterscotch morsels

White chocolate morsels




Toffee pieces

Mini marshmallows

Brown sugar


Cocoa nibs (raw chocolate)

Banana pieces

Dried fruit

Allow each camper to design their cone with the fillers of choice in layers. Wrap securely with foil and place over heat near campfire or on grill to allow the chocolates to melt. Unwrap and enjoy.

For a variation you can take waffle cone bowls and fill them with the fresh fruit of choice. Try these delicious combinations:

Fresh strawberries and chocolate chips

Peaches, white chocolate, and almond slivers

Apple slices, cinnamon, raisins, brown sugar, and butter

Bananas, butterscotch morsels, and brown sugar

You essentially create your own custom candy bar!

And yes, it is my fault that our drought is ending! We planned our big "Annual Family Camping Trip" for later this week. Just GUESS what the forecast is :-)

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/InTheKitchenWithJessica/~3/qd8JfhAuTHI/campfire-cones.html

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