понедельник, 30 августа 2021 г.


Low Carb, Vegan Chocolate Coconut Cream Mousse

Chocolate Coconut Cream Mousse

The popularity of low carb diet craze started ages ago with the Scarsdale diet. Initially, the diet itself received only moderate success when first released, and it was not until the unfortunate scandal resulting from the problems erupting in the life of the original creator of the program, that ultimately put the benefits of low carb eating on the map.

Like a good book, I guess there’s nothing like a sordid tale of power, sex and money to get things rolling…

As the Scarsdale diet picked up momentum, along came the Atkins diet. It was the early to mid 80’s when low fat eating was just becoming popular and a focus on carbohydrates as a good fuel became more acceptable. Susan Powter touted increasing carbs in our diet and we all did joyfully, as we enjoyed one bagel after another. The Atkins syndrome fought valiantly against the low fat diet craze and almost single handedly destroyed the livelihood of many bakeries. It also managed to permanently close many of the Krispy Kreme donut stores due to lack of business. I must confess, I did try the Atkins protein bars for a while, but stopped using them because although I felt good about removing sugar from my diet, I was replacing it with artificial sugars, which was just as bad…or worse.

As the popularity of Atkins waned, the star of the show became the South Beach diet which had everyone from celebrities to politicians claiming its health benefits. All of these plans allowed you to eat real food but there were others like the low carb high protein liquid diets that became popular also…

I would never choose liquid diet program, but they gained some relevance when Oprah Winfrey tried them while on hiatus and lost 60 pounds. We all remember her coming out onstage after achieving her skinny status, and revealed how she had accomplished it. Unfortunately, as she began to incorporate real food back into her life, she regained all of the weight she had lost and never really managed to keep it all off.

Liquid diets don’t teach you how and what to eat and I don’t know about you, but drinking protein shakes for the rest of my life doesn’t sound like a very palatable option. High protein shakes have their place in your diet if you need them, but not for breakfast, lunch AND dinner…

The next low protein diet that swept through Europe was one that never really caught on here (yet) but it was something called the Dukan diet, and it was rumored that Duchess Kate and her family were followers of the plan in the months leading up to the royal wedding.

Nowadays, one of the most forgiving low carb diets that has gained a lot of strength and popularity is one called the Paleo diet that was originally introduced in the 1970’s.

The idea behind this program has you eating like a caveman –well sort of…

Paleo is short for Paleolithic, and in Greek it means old—this low carb diet is based on the way our ancestor’ s ate, and is centered mostly around commonly available foods such as fish, grass fed beef, eggs, vegetables, fruits, roots and nuts. It is based on the premise that modern humans are genetically adapted to the diet of their ancestors, and the belief that these genetics have scarcely changed. Therefore, an ideal diet for human health and well being is one that resembles this ancestral diet.

It’s still quite controversial, and whether you choose to follow it or not is a personal decision. Ultimately, you have to follow a way of eating that makes you feel strong, healthy and vibrant.

Some delicious food ideas have come out of the Paleo diet, and many include the use of coconut milk. Coconut milk is not the same as coconut water or the coconut stuff you use in your mixed drinks. Coconut milk is extracted from the pulp of the coconut and is used in Asian cuisine. Nowadays, you can find it in the freezer section of most health food stores or you can buy it in a can or even make it yourself.

Coconut products were something that everyone stayed away from because of their perceived high fat level, but now, many low carb diets and those like the Maker’s diet are embracing coconut products because of its anti bacterial qualities and healthy source of unprocessed fat. The recent surge in sales of unrefined coconut oils for both cooking and baking is a testament to this new way of thinking.

One of the quick desserts commonly enjoyed by both vegans and those following low carb diets is a quick chocolate mousse made from coconut cream. If you buy the coconut milk in the can, all you have to do is put it in the refrigerator and allow the fats to set up and separate from the liquid. Once it has chilled, remove it from the can and whip it up, it’s that easy and unbelievably delicious…

So, throw caution to the wind and try this unique chocolate coconut cream mousse…here’s to your health and mine!

Chocolate Coconut Cream Mousse

1 can full fat coconut milk (NOT the one you use in cocktails)

2 teaspoons vanilla

2 tablespoons of your favorite low glycemic sweetener (you can also use powdered sugar)

2 tablespoons of sifted cocoa powder

cocoa nibs as topping

fresh fruit **optional

Refrigerate the can for a few hours or overnight and once it is well chilled, scoop out the cream that has set up at the top BUT don’t throw the liquid out…reserve this to use in your cooking or baking, it’s delicious in pancakes. Place the solid cream in the bowl of your stand mixer, add your favorite sweetener,vanilla and a good quality cocoa powder and whip it up. This is so delicious and believe it or not, one can is enough for two people! It’s so smooth, creamy and lightly sweet and makes a great mousse to top with your favorite fruits or some dark chocolate coco nibs like I did for added crunch.

start with a can of full fat coconut milk

After refrigerating it, this is what you will see when opening the can

scoop out all of the chilled 'cream' at the top and leave the liquid behind for something else

add it to the bowl of your stand mixer along with your favorite sweetener and whip together

then place on the mixer and whisk again until smooth and well incorporated

vegan chocolate coconut cream mousse

пятница, 27 августа 2021 г.


Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes

Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes are light and airy. Hints of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and cloves are a great start to the fall festivities.

Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes
Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes Image

I think this is my favorite “bready” type of low carb and keto recipe so far.

Hints of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and cloves are a great start to the fall festivities.

Fluffy pancakes on the weekends were hard to let go of, but, you can now enjoy pancakes again.

My Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes mix up quickly in the Instant Pot Ace 60 and are ready to eat in no time at all!

As a pancake lover, you probably would also enjoy my Keto Low Carb Pancakes with Sneaky Squash!

Ingredients for Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes

This recipe is so very simple and there is no odd texture that sometimes occurs with coconut flour or almond flour.

If you love and miss crepes, use this recipe and follow the same instructions and make crepes, filled with berries and whipped cream!

How to Make Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes.

Blend ingredients using an Instant Pot Ace 60 Blender, VitaMix or other Blender.

Flavor the batter.

Pour into a hot cast iron skillet or griddle.

Simple, simple, simple.

I really like this new Instant Pot Ace 60 Blender. The interface is beautiful and resembles the fabulous Instant Pot Multicooker.

There are presents for Ice Cream, Soup, Crushed Ice, Smoothie, Puree, Nut Milks, Soy and Rice Milks and of course, manual options.

The manual options are for things like shredding coleslaw, mixing up batters and chopping vegetables.

This Instant Pot Ace 60 Blender does a nice job of blending up the ingredients.

Grab a spatula and scrape down the sides, if needed.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Heat up the cast iron skillet as you are preparing the batter.
  2. A tiny amount of butter is enough to grease the skillet or griddle.
  3. If the skillet is not hot enough, the batter will spread too thin.
  4. Pour quickly and carefully in order to get a perfect size pancake.
  5. The batter will stop spreading at the same time you stop pouring, if the skillet is at the optimal temperature.
  6. Flip pancakes, when bubbles start to form.

For using this batter to make dessert crepes, pour the batter into the middle of the skillet or griddle quickly, so that it will spread out fast.

More Low Carb Breakfast Recipes to Make:

Kitchen Equipment and Essentials

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If you share a picture of something you make from our blog, tag it with #thisoldgalcooks so we can see it. We might feature it on Instagram! It makes my day when I see you’ve made one of our recipes!

Here is the handy printable recipe:

PIN this Low Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes!


Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake

Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe – An easy keto dessert that’s completely flourless and gluten free too – with only 4 ingredients!

Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake on a plate

Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe

I stumbled on this recipe in a recent copy of Easy Food, an Irish Magazine which I’ve been loving reading through every month. It’s been such an interesting way to learn about the local food culture of my new home country.

Yes, this dessert is not exactly Irish, but when I found it I just knew that I had to Ketofy it and the results were SO amazing, that I couldn’t wait to share the deliciousness with you.

Here’s the video where you can watch how easy it is to prepare this Keto Dessert. Hit play below or click here to watch on YouTube.

This Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake has just a few ingredients and no flour whatsoever. Yes, NO flour – not even coconut or almond flour and it comes out perfectly every time. (For another lemon ricotta keto dessert, check out this easy mousse recipe.)

This cake is best enjoyed once completely cool from the fridge, with a side of whipped cream of course!

Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe - An easy keto dessert

Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake

Adapted from Easy Food Magazine, March 2018

  • 500g Ricotta
  • 4 Eggs
  • 2 – 4 Tablespoons Stevia or your sweetener of choice
  • Zest of 1 Lemon
  • Juice of 1/2 to 1 Lemon

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F and grease a baking dish.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk the ricotta until smooth.
  3. Whisk in the eggs, one at a time.
  4. Add the stevia, one tablespoon at a time.
  5. Whisk in the lemon zest and juice.
  6. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking dish.
  7. Place into the preheated oven and bake for 50 to 55 minutes or until golden.
  8. Remove from the oven, cool completely and then refrigerate.

Low Carb Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe - An easy keto dessert that's completely flourless and gluten free too - with only 4 ingredients!


Easy Gluten Free Flourless Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe

More Easy Keto Desserts:

Dessert in Five

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Disclaimer – this post is meant for informational post only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your health professional before making any dietary changes.

Disclosure – this post contains affiliate links.


среда, 25 августа 2021 г.


Low Carb Keto Tortilla Chips – 4g Carbs

This post contains affiliate links, and we may receive a small commission if you purchase through our site.

These homemade easy keto tortilla chips are super crispy, crunchy and fantastic for dipping. Enjoy the best low carb tortilla chips made with just 3 ingredients, incredible to dip in salsa, guacamole or a cheesy sauce.

These keto tortilla chips are super easy to make, cruncy and perfect for snacking!

At the beginning of the keto diet or any low carb diet, this recipe is a life savior – imagine crispy deliciousness that taste exactly like the real thing – except the carbs. And the best part? They’re only 4g net carbs for eleven tortilla chips – the perfect keto snack.

keto tortilla chips recipe

I’m trying to decide if I’m mostly a dessert fan or salty snacks fan. I’m not sure if I can choose, but until I figure it out, I’ll say I love having both. It all depends on my state of mind. Some days go for desserts and others I’m all about salty snacks.

Well, let’s get straight to making the crispy and flavorful almond flour chips that have the texture of a classic corn tortilla chips. These keto nacho chips are similar to Doritos chips. I could finish a bag of those in before the movie even started.

keto tortilla chips

The good part is that this recipe for tortilla chips has only natural ingredients and seasonings unlike like a bag of store-bought chips that have tons of artificial flavoring and colorings and are fried in unhealthy fats.

Can you believe that salty chips actually have sugar added? It’s insane, but companies disguise sugar under at least 61 different names.

Ingredients for Keto Tortilla Chips

What ingredients do I need to make these keto low carb chips?

Well if we don’t count the seasonings, this recipe calls for only 3 low carb ingredients:

  • Mozzarella Cheese – It’s important to use low moisture mozzarella cheese.
  • Almond Flour – A super low in carbs wholesome ingredient used in keto baking.
  • Egg – To bind everything together and help the chips keep their form while baking.
  • Seasonings: Use any seasoning you like. Leave them plain to enhance the dip flavor or have fun and add taco seasoning to spice things up.

ingredients for the keto tortilla chips

How to Make Keto Friendly Tortilla Chips?

This recipe is an adaptation to the famous low carb fathead dough that is very versatile and low in carbs. You can use it to make a delicious keto pizza and keto bagels. To read more about how to make the perfect fathead dough go straight to my pizza post.

To make fathead dough, you will need low moisture mozzarella, almond flour, and one egg. Keto Tortilla Chips are made with this amazing mozzarella dough that’s super easy to make and extremely tasty when baked correctly. It may take a while to get used to it, but once you figure out all the secrets it will become your

If the dough cools way too much bring it back in the microwave for a few seconds.

For crispy low carb chips, you have to roll the fathead dough as thin as possible. If you don’t roll the dough thin enough, the chips will not be as crispy, but they are still incredibly delicious.

Roll the fathead dough using 2 sheets of baking paper to prevent the dough sticking to your rolling pin.

If your dough is too sticky, let it chill for about 4-5 minutes, and it will be so easy to work with it.

Bake at 350F for about 10-12 minutes or until the chips are crispy and start turning light brown.

Keep an eye on the chips as they bake because they tend to burn faster than the classic chips. Turn them on the other side halfway through the baking process.

Store the baked chips in an airtight container on the counter for up to one keep. It’s important to keep them in a sealed container so the chips stay crispy for longer.

keto meal plan

How to Serve Low Carb Nacho Chips?

Keto Tortilla Chips are perfect for gatherings and friends coming over. Here are a few ways to enjoy tortilla chips:

  1. Dipped in Easy Guacamole Recipe
  2. Picco De Gallo – a fresh and vibrant healthy dip, that incredibly delicious!
  3. Serve the chips plain, as they are:
  4. In any salads instead of bread cubes;

How Many Carbs in Low Carb chips?

This keto snack recipe has 6 servings of 11 tortilla chips, so each of them has:

  • 3g net carbs
  • 203 calories
  • 12g protein
  • 16g fat

I cut my fathead dough into 66 triangles. Yes, I counted them to know exactly how many carbs are in a serving. Next time when I make them, I will weigh them know how many carbs are in each oz.

Can I substitute Almond Flour with Coconut Flour?

Yes, you can make these keto chips using coconut flour. You will need to use about 1/4 cup coconut flour instead of the almond flour.

Keep in mind that substituting these two low carb flours will result in a change of texture in taste. You may know that coconut flour is more absorbent than almond flour. You will need to use about 1/4 cup coconut flour instead of the almond flour. If the dough looks too dry, add more beaten egg.

Other Recipes You Might Like

Low Carb Keto Tortilla Chips - 4g Carbs

понедельник, 23 августа 2021 г.


Little Princess Theme Backdrop

Little Princess Theme Backdrop

This set of handmade paper fans will be the perfect addition to your next party, event, or photo shoot! Hang them above your dessert table, fill a blank wall, or the perfect backdrop for your little one's smash cake photo shoot- the possibilities are endless!

Each set of fans include THIRTEEN fans. You will receive (2) 14 inch fans, (7) 9 inch fans, and (4) 6 inch fans.


Q: What is the size of the backdrop?

A: The possibilities are endless! When overlapping the edges (as shown in the example picture), the set measures to be 4 feet wide by 3 feet tall. The fans are NOT attached to each other when shipped, leaving the option up to you how you would like to space them out to fit the space you would like them in.

Q: How do you hang the paper fans?

A: I highly suggest using command strips to hang you paper fan set. Adhesive to hang the fan set is not provided, but can easily be found at most major retailers such as Target and Wal-Mart in the picture hanging section.

среда, 18 августа 2021 г.


Less is More

This is the most exciting dessert I have never seen, and it is original from Fat Duck the best restaurant in the world.White chocolate ball melted to a flower when the hot dark chocolate split on it. This design has been used in apparel as well. It would be very fun to make a "moving garment".

I chose yellow to be the main color of my style. It represent passion but also calm,active but also elegant, eye-catching but also classic. A warm babe duck yellow is just the answer for my goal: Less is More.





вторник, 17 августа 2021 г.


Lemon Dessert (aka Lemon Lush)

Easy cold lemon dessert (aka lemon lush) made with cream cheese and lemon pudding.

Lemon Dessert (aka Lemon Lush)


1 1/4 cup flour

3/4 cup butter

1/4 cup pecans + extra for top

8 oz cream cheese, softened

16 oz cool whip

1 cup powdered sugar

4 small (3.4 oz) boxes lemon instant pudding

5 cups milk


First Layer

Preheat oven to 350° F.

Cut in butter into flour. Mix well and add pecans. Pat into the bottom of a 9×13 pan and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool.

Second Layer

Whip together cream cheese and the powdered sugar. Fold in half of the cool whip (about 8 oz.). Spread over crust.

Third Layer

Combine lemon pudding and milk. Beat until thick. Spread over cream cheese layer.

Fourth Layer

Spoon and swirl the remaining cool whip on top. Sprinkle with pecans.

Refrigerate until ready to serve.


If making this ahead, it will keep for an entire day. I think it’s even better the second day!

If you want to make a smaller dessert, you can cut the recipe in half and use a 9×9 pan.

четверг, 12 августа 2021 г.


Lemon crème brulée tartlets – My three favourites in one dessert

In this recipe I have combined my three favourites: the shortbread, the crème brulée and the lemon curd.

Lemon crème brulée tartlets
Lemon crème brulée tartlets

Lemon crème brulée tartlets
Lemon crème brulée tartlets

Lemon crème brulée tartlets
Lemon crème brulée tartlets

  1. Mix the flour with the salt, then crumble it with the butter cubes. Mix with the sugar, and then knead the dough (add some water if it is needed to assemble the dough). Wrap it and put it in the fridge for half an hour. Butter the tartlet pans, then roll out the dough, and line the pans with it. Put the pans with the dough in the fridge again for half an hour. Cover the top of the dough in each of the pans with baking parchment and spread dry beans on it. Bake it on 160°C, while its sides turn golden. Remove the beans, glaze it with the egg white, and put it back to the oven for two more minutes.
  2. For the crème: Beat the eggs with the sugar with an electric mixer. Pour the lemon juice gradually, while stirring it continuously. Cook the mixture above steam until it thickens. Fill the crème into the tartlets. Put them in the fridge for an hour, then sprinkle them with sugar and caramelize it with a blowtorch.

Lemon crème brulée tartlets
Lemon crème brulée tartlets

Lemon crème brulée tartlets
Lemon crème brulée tartlets


Lemon Cream Pie with Graham Cracker Crust

A smooth and creamy pie with fresh lemon filling and whipped cream in a buttery graham cracker crust.

Slice of Lemon Cream Pie

Lemon desserts. Yay? Nay? Meh?

I would never choose a lemon dessert as a first choice (I mean, hello, chocolate obsessed). But, I’m pretty sure this Lemon Cream Pie is trying to move me over to “Team Lemon.” There’s so much to love about this pie.


Lemon Cream Pie

Lemon Cream Pie

  • Graham cracker crust
  • Sweet and tart lemon filling
  • Freshly whipped cream

I went the homemade route with each of the components of this pie. If you have to take a shortcut with a store bought crust or prepared whipped cream, you can. I highly suggest you try the whole recipe from scratch at least once. This pie is straight up heavenly.

Lemon filling being poured into a graham cracker crust.

I have made this Lemon Cream Pie with regular lemons and Meyer lemons. Both versions are great. The Meyer lemon pie has a less tart, subtle lemon flavor. I would guess that you could also swap the lemon for limes for a lime pie.

With spring on the horizon I am craving light and refreshing flavors, this pie totally hit the spot. This would be absolutely perfect for Easter or Mother’s Day. It’s beautiful, delicious, and loved by many. Enjoy!

Whipped Cream on top of Lemon Cream Pie

Try my other PIE RECIPES:


Slice of Lemon Cream Pie on a White Plate

Slice of Lemon Cream Pie

Recipe updated March 2018 – I increased the lemon filling to make it a little bit thicker. The rest of the recipe remains the same.

Lemon filling adapted from Taste of Home

вторник, 10 августа 2021 г.


Lemon Cheesecake Mousse

Picture perfect!

  1. Divide crushed graham crackers between 4 dessert cups. In a large bowl using a hand mixer, whip cream cheese until light and fluffy. Add powdered sugar, lemon juice, and salt and beat until combined. Fold in 1 cup whipped topping.
  2. Pipe cream cheese mixture into cups and place in refrigerator until thickened, 1 hour up to overnight. When ready to serve, top with remaining whipped topping and garnish with crushed graham crackers and lemon wedges.

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пятница, 6 августа 2021 г.


lemon and vanilla ricotta cheesecake


  • 2½ cups (600g) fresh firm ricotta
  • 250g cream cheese, softened
  • ¾ cup (165g) caster (superfine) sugar
  • 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind
  • 3 eggs
  • 1½ tablespoons cornflour (cornstarch)
  • ¼ cup (60ml) lemon juice
  • ¼ cup (60ml) single (pouring) cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • icing (confectioner’s) sugar and ground cinnamon, for dusting

vanilla pastry

  • 150g unsalted butter, softened
  • ¾ cup (165g) caster (superfine) sugar
  • 1 egg, plus 1 egg yolk, extra
  • ⅓ cup (80ml) single (pouring) cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 cups (450g) plain (all-purpose) flour, sifted
  • 1½ tablespoons baking powder, sifted


  1. Preheat oven to 160°C (325°F). Line the base of a 22cm round springform tin with non-stick baking paper. To make the vanilla pastry, place the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat for 6–8 minutes. Add the egg and extra yolk and beat until well combined. Add the cream, vanilla, flour and baking powder and beat to combine. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface, shape into a ball and divide in half. Roll 1 half between 2 sheets of non-stick baking paper to a 25cm x 45cm rectangle and refrigerate. Divide the remaining pastry in half again and roll each piece between sheets of baking paper to make 2 x 22cm rounds. Refrigerate 1 pastry round and place the other in the base of the tin. Refrigerate the tin for 5 minutes. Prick the base all over with a fork and bake for 8–10 minutes or until dry to touch.
  2. Place the ricotta, cream cheese, sugar and lemon rind in a clean bowl of the electric mixer and beat on medium speed for 3 minutes or until smooth. Add the eggs and beat until just combined. Mix the cornflour and juice in a small bowl. Add the cream, vanilla and cornflour mixture to the ricotta mixture and beat until just combined. Lightly grease the sides of the tin. Cut the pastry rectangle in half lengthways and use it to line the sides, pressing to join the base. Pour in the filling and fold the pastry over. Press the remaining pastry round on top and bake for 45 minutes. Cover with aluminium foil. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden. Refrigerate until cold.
  3. Dust with icing sugar and cinnamon to serve. Serves 8–10

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четверг, 5 августа 2021 г.


La Tarte Tatin du chef Paul Bocuse.

L'histoire de la tarte Tatin est assez sympathique, elle trouve son origine à la fin du XIXème siècle, en plein centre de la France, en Sologne.

Ce sont deux soeurs, Caroline et Stéphanie Tatin qui tenaient un restaurant (qui existe toujours ! ), à Lamotte-Beuvron dans le Loir et Cher, fréquenté par de nombreux chasseurs. Un dimanche d'ouverture de la chasse, alors qu'elle préparait une tarte aux pommes pour un repas de chasseurs, l'une des sœurs, étourdie, la laissa brûler. Elle décida de conserver les pommes déjà cuites et bien caramélisées, de remplacer la pâte brûlée et remit la tarte au four. Les chasseurs apprécièrent tellement cette nouvelle recette, qu’elle est devenue « La Tarte Tatin ».

Le succès de ce dessert jamais démentit encore aujourd’hui est dû à Curnonsky célèbre gastronome, humoriste et critique culinaire français, qui présenta cette tarte à Paris en 1926 sous le nom de "tarte des demoiselles Tatin ".

Il existe même une confrérie : les « Lichonneux de la tarte Tatin ».

Voici la recette d'un chef que l'on ne présente plus: Paul Bocuse!

Pour 8 personnes :

- 1,2 kg de pommes canada,

- 200 g de sucre,

- 100 g de beurre en morceau,

- 1 gousse de vanille,


Pour la pâte sablée:

- 100 g de beurre,

- 1 g de sel fin,

- 75 g de sucre glace,

- 220 g de farine,

- 2g de levure chimique,

- 1 œuf.

Préparez la pâte sablée :

_ Faites fondre le beurre au bain-marie en le remuant avec un fouet, laissez-le refroidir quelques secondes, ajoutez le sel, mélangez, versez le sucre glace et mélangez à nouveau.

_ Versez la farine en pluie en mélangeant au fur et à mesure.

_ Lorsque la pâte commence à se former, retirez le fouet et continuez à mélanger avec une spatule.

_ Incorporez la levure.

_ Cassez l'oeuf dans un ramequin, battez-le à la fourchette et versez-le sur la pâte. _ Mélangez jusqu'à l'obtention d'une boule.

_ Aplatissez-la légèrement, posez-la sur une assiette et laissez-la reposer 1 h au réfrigérateur.

Préparez le caramel :

_ Faites chauffer le sucre à feu vif dans une cocotte en fonte antiadhésive de 20-22 cm de diamètre.

_ Quand le sucre à pris une belle couleur d'un blond soutenu et commence à mousser, mélangez avec une cuillère en bois, et ajoutez le beurre.

_ Mélangez pour que le beurre fonde et retirez la cocotte du feu.

_ Fendez la gousse de vanille en deux, sans séparer les deux moitiés. Posez-la dans la cocotte, en plein milieu, en formant un beau "V".

_ Préchauffez le four à 150-160 °C (th. 5).

Les pommes :

_ Epluchez les pommes, les évider avec un vide-pomme, les couper en deux verticalement et les ranger debout dans la cocotte.

_ Complétez le centre et comblez les vides s'il y en a. Enfournez la cocotte dans le bas du four et laissez cuire 1 h.

_ Vérifiez la cuisson des pommes. Laissez reposer 10 min puis mettez 1 h au réfrigérateur.

Préchauffez le four à 200 °C (th.7).

La tarte :

_ Posez la pâte sur du papier sulfurisé et farinez-la légèrement. Etalez-la au rouleau en formant un disque de 3 mm d'épaisseur. Posez le couvercle de la cocotte à l'envers sur la pâte et taillez celle-ci à la dimension intérieure du couvercle. Retirez l'excédent.

_ Piquez toute la surface de la pâte à la fourchette. Coupez le papier sulfurisé à 1 cm du bord de la pâte.

_ Faites glisser la pâte sur une plaque de cuisson à l'aide du papier. Enfournez et laissez cuire 10 min.

_ Posez la pâte à cuire sur une grille. Laissez-la durcir et refroidir.

Avant de servir :

_ Quelques instants avant de servir, mettez la cocotte à chauffer doucement. Posez le disque de pâte sur les pommes.

_ Décollez les pommes en maintenant la pâte avec la main et en tournant.

_ Démoulez : posez un plat retourné sur la cocotte, renversez-la et retirez-la. La tarte est prête à être dégustée!

среда, 4 августа 2021 г.


KetoCake - Very Easy Chocolate Cake!

Working in an office, there is always a birthday celebration it seems every week! Of course I sit right next to the table where the cake is presented, and it smells delicious! Being on day 20 of my Keto lifestyle, I knew I needed a way to fight this head on! Therefore here is my KetoCake in chocolate! This recipe is easily doubled or tripled if you want to make more. I brought in extra for others to try who don't know about Keto, and they absolutely loved it.


  • Butter or Cooking Spray
  • 1 Egg - 77 Cal, 1 g Net Carb, 5.3 g Fat, 6.3 g Protein
  • 1 tablespoon of heavy whipping cream- 51 Cal, .42 g Net Carb, .51 g Fat, .31 g Protein
  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder - 1 Cal, .59 g Net Carb, 0 g Fat, 0 g Protein
  • 3/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract- 9 Cal, .4 g Net Carb, 0 g Fat, 0 g Protein
  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder- 12 Cal, 1.3 g Net Carb, .7 g Fat, 1.1 g Protein
  • 1 tablespoon of stevia (or your choice of sugar substitute) - 0 Cal, 0 g Net Carb, 0 g Fat, 0 g Protein
    • For a sweeter taste, you can use up to 2 tablespoons
  • OPTIONAL TOPPING: If you are following Keto by Macros only, you can add Sugar Free Frosting as seen in this picture. I used Pillsbury brand - for 2 tablespoons it is Carbs: 16g, Dietary Fiber: 3g, Sugar Alcohol 10g - 3 Net Carbs.

EDIT for Macros - please remember that depending on the brands you use, it may vary slightly!

Total without Frosting: Calories- 150, Net Carbs- 3.71 g , Fat- 11.51g, Protein- 7.71 g


  1. Butter a cup or spray with cooking spray.
  2. In a small bowl, mix all ingredients (except for the optional topping) together with a whisk until it has a liquid consistency.
  3. Microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds.
  4. Once cooled enjoy!
    1. Optional - once cooled off, spread 2 tablespoons of sugar free frosting on the cake and enjoy!

That's it! I love this recipe because you can make for one person, or you can double for two! I would love to hear what your favorite Keto dessert recipes are! If you have any personal tweaks to this recipe, please also share!

понедельник, 2 августа 2021 г.


Keto Vanilla Mug Cake With Cream Cheese & Coconut Flour

2-minute Keto vanilla mug cake with cream cheese and coconut flour that’s single-serve and easy to make. This keto vanilla cake in a mug is the perfect quick low carb dessert served with some whipped cream and berries.

Easy Keto Vanilla Mug Cake Recipe

Ketogenic mug cakes are a great sweet treat to enjoy on the keto diet without any guilt. They are low carb, quick to make and can be made in your microwave in just a few minutes.

This low carb cake in a mug is made with vanilla extract, cream cheese, and coconut flour, creating a beautiful mug cake that’s moist and bursting with flavor, all in a small package!

If you’re looking for more easy keto mug cake recipes check out these ones:

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Is vanilla Keto-friendly?

Pure vanilla extra is ok for keto in small doses. Make sure you don’t use imitation vanilla as that has tons of added ingredients that can mess with ketosis.

If you want to be extra safe, use pure vanilla beans as they are the purest form of vanilla and you only need a tiny bit to add tons of flavor.

Is it really OK to eat cream cheese on keto?

Cream cheese is totally fine for the keto diet. It’s a great source of fats and a 1 oz serving of cream cheese contains just 0.75 g net carbs and 10 grams of fat.

Low carb vanilla mug cake shopping list

  • Cream cheese – Use softened room temperature cream cheese or microwave for 10-20 seconds to make it easier to mix in with the other ingredients.
  • Coconut flour – I use this one as it’s organic and the lowest net carb coconut flour I’ve found.
  • Sweetener – You can use any sweetener you have that measures like sugar, I use granulated Erythritol.
  • Vanilla extract
  • Baking powder
  • Egg – Use a large egg that’s at room temperature for easier mixing.

How to make keto microwave cake in a mug

  1. Microwave cream cheese for about 20 seconds until it’s slightly softened.
  2. In a small bowl, crack an egg and whisk it for a few seconds until it’s slightly fluffy.
  3. Add in cream cheese and vanilla extract.
  4. Mix in the dry ingredients (coconut flour, sweetener and baking powder)
  5. Take a small greased microwave-safe ramekin or a mug and pour the mixture into it.
  6. Microwave for 60 seconds until fully cooked.
  7. Serve while still hot.

What can I serve with the keto vanilla cake in a mug?

This keto microwave cake tastes great topped with some sugar-free whip cream or low carb ice cream and fresh berries or with some keto raspberry jam.

Keto Vanilla Mug Cake With Coconut Flour & Cream Cheese

  • Erythritol Sweetener Granular (1 lb / 16 oz) - Perfect for Diabetics and Low Carb Dieters - No Calorie Sweetener, Non-GMO, Natural Sugar Substitute
  • Anthony's Almond Flour Blanched, 2lb, Batch Tested Gluten Free, Non GMO, Vegan, Keto Friendly

Hope you enjoy making this easy keto mug cake with cream cheese!

Don’t forget to SAVE this post by PINNING it to your KETO MUG CAKES Pinterest board.

Did you try making this 2-minute keto vanilla mug cake coconut flour recipe? Let us know down in the comments!



Keto Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie Recipe 4-Ingredients

Healthy low carb smoothie that tastes just like cheesecake? Yes, please! This keto strawberry cheesecake smoothie will make all of your keto desserts dreams come true and at only 2.5 g of net carbs per serve won’t hurt your diet.

Best ever keto cheesecake smoothie ready in 2 minutes! This delicious keto smoothie with cream cheese is made with only 4 ingredients and tastes AWESOME. Try a keto cream cheese smoothie now!

This low carb strawberry cheesecake smoothie has been my favorite quick keto dessert to make for months. It’s so quick and easy to make and contains just 4-ingredients (if you don’t count the water). No-bake recipes like this are perfect for people who don’t like baking and always seem to mess it up.

You can’t really mess up this keto smoothie with cream cheese since all you need to make it is a blender. It’s perfect to enjoy as a quick treat or a dessert or even a keto breakfast smoothie!

Can you eat strawberries on keto?

Most berries are too high in carbs to eat while on the keto diet.

Strawberries, however, are one of the lowest carb counts berries.

1 cup of strawberries (152g) contains 9 grams of net carbs and since most people have to aim for 20-50 g net carbs per day to remain in ketosis you have to limit the number of strawberries you consume, so you don’t eat too many carbs. Source

What can I add to this 4-ingredient keto smoothie?

If you want to up the fat content, you can replace the water with coconut milk or coconut cream and add in nut butter (peanut butter, almond butter), chia seeds, coconut oil and more.

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Keto strawberry shake recipe.

keto cheesecake smoothie shopping list.

Here’s everything you will need to make the keto strawberry milkshake:

  • Full fat cream cheese

  • Frozen strawberries

  • Heavy cream

  • sweetener (we used Erythritol)

  • cold water

How to make keto strawberry smoothie

  1. Put all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until everything has been combined and smooth. If you find your smoothie too runny, add some ice cubes to make it thicker.

Serve with some easy 2-ingredient sugar free whip cream!

This strawberry cheesecake smoothie is so yummy & easy to make. All you need is 4-ingredients and a blender. Find out how to make a 4 ingredient keto smoothie now!

  • Erythritol Sweetener Granular (1 lb / 16 oz) - Perfect for Diabetics and Low Carb Dieters - No Calorie Sweetener, Non-GMO, Natural Sugar Substitute

Don’t forget to SAVE this post by PINNING it to your KETO SMOOTHIES Pinterest board.

Did you try making this keto cream cheese smoothie? Let us know down in the comments!



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